Thursday, September 20, 2007

17 Sep 07

We chose Sydney to celebrate our 6th year together on the 17th of September, coinciding with the trip's mid point (day 25). Our "gifts" are long walks around town on our heads and a delicious buffet lunch on Sydney Tower's rotating restaurant, overlooking the fantastic multi-bay layout of the city. Because I left our travel guide book on the plane, Carlos misses his chance to eat crocodile (the guide says where they serve it). We make up for this loss with cangarooh, camel, oysters, many other delicacies, and a Pinot Noir that tastes like a light Swiss red, somewhat un-Australian, but goes well with the tender meats. We skip dinners, replacing it on the first night with Kilkenny and Chips in a lively Irish pub where a great band is playing, and on the second night with a toddy to cure our light winter colds. Carlos stays on for a few days, while I continue to Melbourne for COSIT.

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