Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Gilberto's treat

Visiting Gilberto is always a treat in so many respects. Starting this visit off, my presentation at INPE on primitives of geographic information leads to a stimulating debate on process ontology and is followed by a fine fish dinner in Sao Jose dos Campos (together with Vera, Hilcéa, and Lubia). During it, we discuss among other (less lofty) things, when two musical performances are the same, accompanied by funny stories. But no visit here would be complete without an island escape - this time "my driver" Fernando takes me to Ilha Grande, off the coast near Rio. This is the perfect place to think and relax, secluded from the rest of the world, and in a lush environment of rain forrest and beaches. Carlos, alone in Muenster, is equally happy about my isolation, and the days (two of them cloudy) turn out productive for my fall teaching and relaxing at the same time. An afternoon hike to the Mirante Bananal (378m) burns off enough calories to enjoy more Caipirinhas (the best I have had so far) and the tasty food, which combines Brazilian and Japanese ingredients, preparations and serving styles. On the sunny and windy third day, I take the hotel excursion to a small beach island just off the coast, on a boat ominously called Piuke... The Brasilian days are over, but they have been quite a treat indeed - see some pictures.

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