Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Starving in San Francisco

Well, not really. But it is a bit unusual that Carlos and I spend two days in San Francisco without visiting a single attractive restaurant. On Sunday, after a late lunch at Bagdad Café and munching chips with friends of Carlos in Marine County, we are too tired to go for dinner. We finish the night with drinks at Badlands, where we met six years ago. Monday brings beautiful late summer weather, which we enjoy with long walks and great views, first around Bellavista, then through the business district up to Coit tower and back to Union Square. Lunch is in a food court and for a late dinner we only share a plate of pasta, in one of the few Castro eateries still open after 10pm. At least, it comes with a delicious bottle of Zinfandel, the "real" American wine that my cousin Daeni (whom we will meet in Singapore soon) introduced me to, 23 years ago in a Manhattan jazz bar. The Willows Inn, which carries special memories, accommodates us again, nicely but pricely.

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