Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!"

With this quote from Mae West during a triple-Virgo birthday-pork-roast dinner at Karen's new home, Keola expresses perfectly how we feel about our visit to the Big Island of Hawaii. From a beach side dinner after arrival (with juicy scallops, Mahi Mahi, and Mai Tai) through the ocean view hotel room and balcony at Hawaii Resort and a wonderful day in Volcanoes National Park, all the way to our work as coffee cherry picker slaves in Keola's plantation, we feel like having too much of many good things. Most memorable are the succulent papaya at breakfast, high over the bay where Captain Cook was killed, fresh roasted Macadamia nuts, the stunning wood work with Japanese elegance made from the reddish Koa, rimming a crater while stalking over lava and learning about the spiritual background from Karen, and of course the lush, colorful and aromatic vegetation. Boarding the plane to Honolulu from open air gates at the airport, enjoying a smooth breeze, remains in style - and we will take the missed out snorkeling as an excuse to return.

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